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Free Bug Coloring Pages (Print and Download PDFs)

Scroll our downloadable and PDF printable Bugs coloring pages below.

An illustration of blooming orchids and a large lady bug amidst them.
An illustration of a group of happy bugs communicating with each other as they gather around two small coconut trees.
An illustration an ant showing a couple of flowers to a snail and two butterflies.
An illustration of various bugs enjoying the sunny day while they play around in a garden.
A fun illustration of a colony of ants enjoying the pond while they do different things.
An illustration of an ant leaning against a flower surrounded by all sorts of bugs in a garden.
An illustration of Flik and another ant each carrying a grain of rice as a lady bug smiles on a leaf behind them.
An illustration of Princess Atta looking after Dot while an ant in the background points to a mound.
An illustration of a friendly worm on the ground and a lady bug on top of a mushroom.
An illustration of two bugs talking in an enchanting garden as it rains.
An illustration of four bugs curiously checking out a boot planter with flowers.
Two caterpillars walk through a beautiful garden while being friendly with the surrounding butterflies.
An illustration off a snail and a lady bug climbing on a flower in a garden as two butterflies hover over them.
An illustration of four lady bugs playing around the mushrooms with a rainbow behind them.
An illustration of a large centipede, a lady bug, and a butterfly just hanging around a tree.
Several lady bugs climb up a flowering plant on a sunny day as a butterfly hovers over them.
An illustration of three bumble bees getting honey to their hive as a butterfly watches them.
An illustration of six different bugs hanging around a lovely coconut tree.
A lady bug holds a balloon as it sleeps on a flower and a bumblebee flies by.
An illustration of a bee and a couple of other cute bugs flying over the flower fields.
An illustration of a queen butterfly reading a tiny books as she is surrounded by flowers.
An illustration of an assortment of bugs flying around a beautiful garden.

Fun Facts About Bugs for Smart Kids

Hi clever kids! I’ll talk about bugs today. Here are some fantastic facts about them! 

  • Did you know that a ladybird can take in over 5000 insects as food throughout its life? Amazing!
  • Scientists say fruit flies beat other insects to space. They were the first living creatures that astronauts sent into space. I’m jealous. I’ve never been to space. What about you? 
  • Dragonflies have many eyes, two pairs of strong wings, and a long body. That’s great. I wish I had many eyes to see things from all directions. Would you want them, too? 
  • The beat of the bee’s wings is 190 times per second or 11 400 times per minute. That’s something. My heart rate could be about 100 beats per second. I don’t come close to the bee’s wings. 
  • The UK has the biggest species of stag beetle.
  • And what about caterpillars? They’ve got 12 eyes.
  •  I’ve watched Superman movies. They’re great. But the dung battle is as strong as Superman. It can pull an object that is 1,141 times its mass. That’s awesome!
  • Did you also know that houseflies use their feet to find sugar? Their feet are more sensitive than human tongues by 10 million times.
  • Ticks can grow pretty big, from a tiny insect to a marble-sized insect.
  • About 2,000 silkworm cocoons can make one pound of silk. That’s a lot. But I don’t think these insects can get tired of making their silk.
  • A bee can fly up to 60 miles a day while collecting food.
  • I’m starting to respect ants. Ants are pretty tiny. But they are so strong that they can carry things weighing over fifty times their weight. But I’ll never try this because I’m slender. 
  • Have you eaten Mexican Jumping Beans before? If not, next time, check them inside for a caterpillar of a bean moth.
  • One ounce may equal roughly one hundred Monarch Butterflies.
  • Dung battles once helped some farmers in Australia with removing huge cattle droppings.
  • If you think only humans can get drunk, wait a second. Wasps can get plastered by eating fermented juice. Yes, that’s right. Don’t try it at home.
  •  A queen belonging to a particular species of termites can produce 40,000 eggs in one day. Incredible!
  • Honeybees need ten million trips to gather nectar to generate one pound of honey.
  • Unlike other flies, blowflies are the first to land on a dead animal.
  • Do you know where the word honeymoon comes from? Years ago in the Middle Ages, newlyweds received a gift-honey and wine. It was so full that the honey and wine lasted for one month during their marriage. I wish my wedding gift lasted many months, too. 
  • When it’s cold, lots of insects keep themselves warm by changing their body water to glycerol. It’s a chemical that shields them from the cold.
  • You can find about 8000 species of ants. There are 1000 fewer than 9000 species of birds in the world. 
  • The male silk moth’s sense of smell is so powerful that it can smell female silk moths’ chemicals in the air.
  • Arachnids are mites, ticks, spiders, and harvestmen.

Bugs Coloring Pages

Kudos for reaching this stage. I’m super excited to tell you more about the bugs coloring pages. 

Here is an excellent collection of bugs coloring pages your kids would love. The insect coloring sheets are perfect for preschool and kindergarten. Little ones can hone their fine motor skills. 

Each bug coloring page has brilliant activities offering children plenty of fun. Kids can use different crayons or colored pencils to shade bugs coloring pages. They’ll find worksheets with a beetle, a snail, a spider, a ladybug, a grasshopper, and other arachnids.

Adults can help their kids color each free printable coloring page. They can even download a worksheet as a pdf file. 

After a child is done with the insect coloring sheets, they can create a coloring book to showcase their skills. Have fun!

The wonders of nature never cease to amaze me. The fact that bugs make up this very important part of the whole process is something that we should learn more about. Fortunately, we have these bug coloring pages to help us discover more about why bugs are important. And why they are interesting for our kids to learn from. Let’s keep reading to find out more. 

Reasons Why We Should Love Bugs

1. They Pollinate

We all love looking at beautiful and bright flowers. Most of us enjoy eating fruits and veggies. Yet, we hardly ever think of the role that bugs play in ensuring that our flowers and plants remain healthy. Bees, along with other insects, do a great job at maintaining pollination in them. If we didn’t have any bugs, we wouldn’t have a lot of flowers and plants that reproduce. Meaning that we wouldn’t even be able to enjoy our favorite fruits and veggies. 

In our bug coloring pages, we come across a lot of different kinds of bugs. Some are very tiny and we barely notice them. On the other hand, others are big enough to keep as pets in our homes. But, at the end of the day, all bugs deserve the same equal protection. They play a very important role in our ecosystems to ensure that we have food above all else. The great news is that our big coloring pages should help us teach our kids why they should love bugs. Plus, the importance of taking care of them. 

2. They Manage Our Waste

According to research, approximately a third of the food that is produced for our consumption ends up in waste. That’s a lot of food that ends up being thrown out in the trash. This is where bugs come into play. They help us to manage our waste and turn it into something that is more valuable by turning it into compost. Bugs like worms help to consume vast amounts of organic waste that’s rotting. However, they do this in a strategic way by leaving behind all the nutrients that will later be useful for other plants. We then use compost in our gardens to ensure that our seeds get sufficient nutrients to produce healthy vegetables and flowers. If we want to teach our kids a valuable lesson about not judging a book by its cover, then this process in our bug coloring pages should come in handy. 

3. They Fight against the Bad Bugs 

In life there is always the good and the bad. The same applies to our bugs. There are good bugs that ensure that things are well maintained. However, we still get those pesky bugs that just want to destroy our beautiful gardens. The thing about nature is that it always balances things out. Take the ladybugs that we find in our bug coloring pages for instance. Not only are they colorful for us to look at, but they can be very useful garden helpers for us. They eat dangerous pests like aphids that are known to damage our plants. There are more bugs that we can use to help improve the status of our gardens. Our bug coloring pages are full of them. 

4. They are Great for Research Purposes 

Bugs are really important for science. Bugs like beetles are essential for cleaning up bone specimens. They work better than any other techniques because they don’t damage anything in the process. Moreover, they don’t get tired from cleaning up anything. They just keep going. This is ideal when there is a lot of work that needs to be done. More so when this work is significant for discovering new scientific breakthroughs. 

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